About Zak Osman

I’m Zak Osman, a sophomore at Drake University living life in the fast lane. Born on August 11th, 2004, I wouldn’t say I’m one for sitting still. You’ll more likely find me hanging out with friends, chasing the thrill of a soccer game, or getting lost somewhere. Being a college student is pretty awesome. Drake gives me the perfect mix of academic challenge and social connection. There’s nothing quite like cheering on the dogs at a game with my boys or diving deep into a study session fueled by Bang Energy.  But let’s not forget friends, they’re a huge part of my life. Weekends are for catching up, and exploring Des Moines. Maybe it’s checking out a new coffee shop, hitting up a local show, or even just hanging out in the dorms – the possibilities are endless.  Having a solid group of friends by my side adds to the whole college experience. They’re the ones who get my crazy ideas (like that time we tried to race across the reflection pond, let’s just say it wasn’t our finest hour) and the ones who are always there to celebrate the victories, big or small. Now, about that soccer interest. This sport is more than just a game for me. There’s something about the energy, the feeling of working together as a team towards a common goal, and the strategy involved in outsmarting the other side. Whether I’m playing intramurals with friends or glued to the screen watching a pro game, analyzing formations, and celebrating goals, soccer keeps that competitive fire burning.  It’s a great way to stay active, blow off some steam, and even make some new friends who share a passion for the beautiful game. But college isn’t all about academics, sports, and socializing (although those are pretty fun parts).  There’s also finding that balance, figuring out who I am, and what I want to be.  Sometimes that means taking a break from the textbooks and video games to explore a new hobby, volunteer for a cause I care about, or simply have some quiet time to reflect.  College is a time for self-discovery, and I’m embracing every aspect of it. That’s me – Zak Osman, College life is throwing everything it has at me, and I’m loving every minute of it. From intense intramurals to late-night study sessions with friends, from exploring Des Moines to discovering new passions, there’s never a dull moment.  And who knows what adventures await me next?  That’s the beauty of it all,  the future is wide open, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me.